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2021 Awards Ceremony 

23rd May 2022

2021 Awards

A fantastic evening was had by all, as cadets and staff were awarded for their various achievements during 2021, from our Cadet’s Best Cadet to our newly appointed Lord Lieutenant's Cadet for Kincardineshire.

Pathfinder Trophy

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CWO C Adams awarded Cdt W Smith the Pathfinder Trophy. It is awarded to the cadet that has given it their all and had a go at everything on offer in the organisation.

Academic Trophy

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Cdt J Parker was awarded the Academic Trophy by Sqn Ldr Derek Nutten (Deputy Officer Commanding Wing) for attaining the highest average scores in their exams.

Best Recruit Trophy

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The Best Recruit Trophy was awarded to Cdt T Vamvoukakis by Sqn Ldr Derek Nutten for showing the most potential during Junior Cadet Training.

Tiger Moth Trophy

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The Tiger Moth Trophy was awarded to Cpl A Braidwood by Sqn Ldr Derek Nutten for showing the greatest overall improvement in the squadron.

Best Male and Female

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Sgt F Sharp

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Cpl N Fraser

The best male and female cadet awards were presented to Sgt F Sharp and Cpl N Fraser (who unfortunately was unable to attend the evening) respectively. This is awarded to the cadets who has scored the highest points overall, which comes from attending squadron, wing and region led activities that happen throughout the year and other duties.

Promotions to Corporal 

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Cdt W Smith

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Cdt J Parker

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Cdt F Taylor

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Cdt L Masson

Lord-Lieutenants Cadet 2022

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The newly appointed Lord Lieutenant's Cadet for Kincardineshire was officially awarded to Sgt F Sharp by Mr Alistair Macphie. Sgt Sharp will take over from CWO Adams, also from 1297 squadron, on the 24th of June 2022.

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A group photo of all the cadets and staff who attended the evening.

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