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Bronze DofE Expedition

About Us

We are 1297 Stonehaven Squadron, part of the Air Cadets and funded by the Royal Air Force. We offer brand new experiences for people aged 12-20 and a wide range of qualifications to help you live life to the fullest.

Fieldcraft Exercise on Squadron Summer Camp 2019 Cropped.jpg

What We Do

You can soar the skies in gliders and powered aircraft or down on the range aiming for the best shot.  There is loads on offer!

Overview of Cadets and Staff sitting.jpg

Our Awards Presentations

Latest News

We've got even more! Head along over to our Instagram page.

A group of school pupils doing a fieldcraft outside, with one of our Cadets leading the exercise.

Our Next Intake

To Be Confirmed 

We hold intake and open evenings throughout the year where we will take new cadets. If you are aged 12 (in S1), and up to your 17th Birthday you can join us. We are even on the lookout for adult volunteers!

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